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Paper4trees in the Regions

Did you know?...


That 90% of all NZ schools and 52% of all NZ preschools are participating in Paper4trees?
These schools and preschools are spread throughout all regions and districts across NZ, from Kaitaia to Stewart Island.
Over 4000 schools and early childhood centres are actively recycling their paper and cardboard with us!

Why are there less preschools than schools? Originally, we thought this was a programme better suited to schools. So we concentrated on introducing Paper4trees to schools only. This mindset changed as we had a huge number of preschools, kindergartens, early childhood centres and kohanga reo contacting us wanting to join.


Click on the regions below for facts and stats from each area. 

New Zealand
Manawatu Whanganui


A programme run by Environmental Education for Resource Sustainability Trust


Suite A, 184 Cameron Road

Tauranga 3110


PO Box 2523, Tauranga 3144





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