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Paper4trees was first introduced to the Canterbury Region in 2010.

Since then, a total of 
347 schools and preschools have joined Paper4trees!
That is the equivalent to
 79% of all Canterbury schools.

Between 2010 and 2024, Canterbury schools and preschools have:

  • Diverted 9,416 tonnes of paper and cardboard from landfill
                 - That's around the same as 1,895 elephants!

  • Saved 75,368 cubic metres of landfill space

  • Prevented 50,806 tonnes of carbon dioxide from being created in landfill

Isn't this an amazing effort? We think so, which is why we have rewarded Canterbury schools and preschools with a total of...

35,072 native trees! to plant in their school grounds or within their local community.

Latest local annual reports:


A programme run by Environmental Education for Resource Sustainability Trust

Suite A, 184 Cameron Road

Tauranga 3110

PO Box 2523, Tauranga 3144


© 2020 by Paper4trees. Web design by TriumFit Web.

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