EERST has many resources available to help schools and preschools make the most of the Paper4trees programme.
Classroom recycling bins
Has your school added more classrooms?
Have some of your bins been damaged or misplaced?
Then contact us now to order more classroom recycling bins - free of charge! We supply one bin per room that generates paper and cardboard waste.​
*Due the Covid-19 lockdown, there are delays on dispatching orders
Enviro monitor badges
Do students take charge of environmental initiatives in your school?
Do you want a way for them to be recognised by other students and staff members?
A way to encourage students to get involved in environmental activities?
​You can purchase “Enviro Monitor” badges!
$2.50 each
(exc GST) + postage
Colouring in bin posters
Do you want the students and staff at your school/preschool to know that the classroom bins are
for paper and cardboard
recycling only?
Download our recycling posters, they are designed for the students to colour in and put onto
the classroom recycling bins so they can be distinguished from the waste bins.