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Get Involved


Join the programme

Paper4trees is now available for schools, early childhood centres.

The programme is free for secondary schools, intermediate schools, primary schools, kura, early childhood centres, kindergartens, playcentres & kohanga reo.

Donation Jar

Make a donation

Make an online donation to help our organisation support NZ organisations, schools and preschools in their waste minimisation and native tree planting endeavours. Donate through Givealittle today!


Become a sponsor

Sponsorship is crucial to the continuation of Paper4trees, as without this assistance we would not be able to provide the trees, the resources and the staff to manage the programme.


Differentiate yourself from the competition by helping schools reduce waste and increase native tree planting.

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Zero Waste


Zero Waste Education Programme is available to schools and preschools in 21 districts.


Please visit the website for more information.

Omokoroa Point School.jpg

Become a volunteer

Join Paper4trees volunteer to help us connect to schools and preschools to reduce waste and to recycle paper and cardboard.



Paper4trees can be of benefit to the solid waste department and/or the parks & reserves department within councils by helping divert waste away from landfill, and planting native trees within the community.

The programme can help council meets its obligations under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008, and Community Outcomes under the Long Term Council Community Plan.


A programme run by Environmental Education for Resource Sustainability Trust


Suite A, 184 Cameron Road

Tauranga 3110


PO Box 2523, Tauranga 3144





© 2020 by Paper4trees. Web design by TriumFit Web.

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